Monday, August 27, 2007

Suddenly I See

I feel like I can relax now. I am so glad summer is over. I have been so bored the past couple of weeks. I thought I would enjoy having some time off, but no. It sucked...except for like the 2 days that Dylan was here. That was fun. I'm really ready for school to start though, I still have like 3 hours before my first class. Then I have work. Which, by the way, is awesome. I love my new job. It fills up my entire afternoon, and I have already learned so much. I really didn't expect to get a sciency job this early on. I mean I've only been in school for a semester and a summer, and I'm already a friggen lab assistant. I just hope I don't fuck it up. Oh that would suck.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Flight of the Conchords

The videos are gone because the guy's channel got deleted.
I don't have HBO so now I can't watch it.
My life is over.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

This is Jason Bourne.

So...I have a job. I'm doing work study as a lab assistant for Microbiology next semester. I met with the lady that I'm working for yesterday. She's fantastic. The job is mostly preparing bacterial cultures and cleaning test tubes and stuff. I think it's going to be really great. I would do it for the experience and resume (not to mention UT application) value alone...but I'm getting paid too! Friggen sweeeet! I also get to wear a lab coat...*tee-hee*...

Fuck! I'm fucking excited!