Friday, November 2, 2007

Where is Everyone?

So last Wednesday (Halloween) was fucking weird. I went to work at nine, like I always do. Then I have English at 12:10. So I stepped out of work at 11:45, had a cig and went to my English class. There's never anyone in there before my class and the door is always unlocked, so I just hang out and read the assigned pages until class starts, and since I didn't go to class Monday, I wanted to catch the first person in, to get the assigned pages. (We had already covered the poems that were on the syllabus for Weds.)

So anyway, I'm sitting there...No one usually shows up until I wait... none...
12:10...Goddamnit...where the fuck is my class?

I go outside to see if there was a note on the door that we weren't meeting, or that the class moved or something. But no. Nothing. So gathered up my shit. Checked the classroom next door. Not my class. Checked the library. Nope. Checked the computer labs. Nothing. The thing that really bugged me was that not even a single person showed up. Considering that there are like 20 students in that class, and about 7 show up every day. The rest come and go. So how could I have been the only one that didn't get the message about whateverthefuck happened on Monday?

Anyway, so I went home and was like "yay free time" and I ate a bunch of candy...

THEN...I go to my evening class....Trigonometry at 5:30. The teacher is pretty much never there on time, but sometimes the door is open. The lady that teaches the class across the hall from us opens it. So, the door is open. Light is on. there is a calculator and a folder (filled with all kinds of mysterious teacher-papers) on the front table. So I sit down in my seat, take out all of my the good little nerd that I am. Then suddenly, I look at the clock, it's three minutes till class, and there is NO ONE ELSE THERE! AGAIN! And I didn't miss this class Monday, so now I'm really confused. All I could think was that Mercury must be in retrograde, like super serial. Then some dude comes in...

"Uh...did we move?"
"I don't know...did we?"
"I think that's our class across the hall..."
"Haha, what?"
"This is the second time this has happened to me today."

Douche. This Is why I hate my teachers this semester. They're assholes. IS IT SO MUCH TROUBLE TO LEAVE A NOTE ON THE DOOR?

I was going to include some more interesting stuff, like about my trip to Denton and whatnot, but I'll save those for later, because my fingers are tired from writing all of this mindless dribble. What I will say, though. Is that seeing hippies be chopped up by a guy in a Reagan mask is very funny. And Across The Universe is so FUCKING BADASS. I'm going to go see it again, even though I know I'm gonna cry. I just want to see it one more time on the big screen.

So...Spychic19 recommends Across the Universe and The Tripper. She also requests that teachers put notes on doors if they decide to change when or where their class will meet.

That is all.

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