Monday, March 19, 2007

The Fratellis

I'm in love.

The other night, I bought The Fratellis debut album; Costello Music.

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I've been listening to it non-stop. Long story short...It's awesome.

The second track is "Flathead" which you might recognize from this add:

Get this, they're from Glasgow, Scotland. Sound familiar? Franz Ferdinand, Belle & Sebastian, Mogwai, and Snow Patrol are just some of the great bands that originated there. Must be something in the water.

Besides being adorable...

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...they are also very funny. I can't find the video clip, but they showed them doing an interview on MTV's "You Hear It First" where they each introduce themselves as such:

"Hi, I'm Jon. I'm the drummer."
"I'm Mince. I'm also the drummer."
"I'm Barry, the third drummer."

Or something like that. Made me laugh. They're so cute. I really hope they play in Houston one day so I can meet them.

While I'm talking about music... I should mention that the new Kaiser Chiefs album "Yours Truly, Angry Mob" comes out March 27th. I will be standing in front of Hastings when they open the doors. Oh, man. They need to come to Houston, too. That's like life changing shit right there.

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