Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Is anyone else completely sick of Carlos Mencia? I mean really...I want to vomit everytime I see him. I'm glad the Showbiz Show is back though.

I wonder when the Sarah Silverman Program is coming out on DVD. I gots tah get me somma dat shit.

Lately I've been way to ADD to watch The Daily Show or Colbert Report. I know that if I watch The Daily Show, then I'll have to watch the Colbert Report 'cause I like it better anyway. I just can't sit and watch fake news for an hour anymore.

I was really excited at first about Dirt...but it's just way to involved. I can't take that much emotion right before bed. I really like The Riches, but again it's very filmish, and you really have to focus.

Intervention is my favorite thing on TV right now. That's the kind of shit they should show know? I've learned so much. Besides that the gratuitous drug use (GDU) is like porn to me.

The Skittles commercial with the singing rabbit...awesome.

I heart Scrubs. Came for the JD; stayed for the Cox.

I'm loving the new season of South Park. Hopefully it doesn't turn to crap like the last one.

Monday, March 19, 2007

The Fratellis

I'm in love.

The other night, I bought The Fratellis debut album; Costello Music.

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I've been listening to it non-stop. Long story short...It's awesome.

The second track is "Flathead" which you might recognize from this add:

Get this, they're from Glasgow, Scotland. Sound familiar? Franz Ferdinand, Belle & Sebastian, Mogwai, and Snow Patrol are just some of the great bands that originated there. Must be something in the water.

Besides being adorable...

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...they are also very funny. I can't find the video clip, but they showed them doing an interview on MTV's "You Hear It First" where they each introduce themselves as such:

"Hi, I'm Jon. I'm the drummer."
"I'm Mince. I'm also the drummer."
"I'm Barry, the third drummer."

Or something like that. Made me laugh. They're so cute. I really hope they play in Houston one day so I can meet them.

While I'm talking about music... I should mention that the new Kaiser Chiefs album "Yours Truly, Angry Mob" comes out March 27th. I will be standing in front of Hastings when they open the doors. Oh, man. They need to come to Houston, too. That's like life changing shit right there.

Saturday, March 3, 2007


Lunar Eclipse Tonight! Here, we'll probably just get to see the end phases.

That won't stop me from sitting on the driveway in my lawn chair. I'll have my "We Love The Moon" t-shirt (than you Joel Veichstchchsttich...whatever your name is). Yup, I'll be sitting outside complaining about mosquitos, and how warm my beer is. Then, after about 10 minutes I will say "fuck it." Go inside, finish the beer, and look out my window every 5 minutes. I won't be able to see the moon from my window, but I won't care.

Um... that was actually an excerpt from the episode of "King Of The Hill" that I'm writing...yeah...

Anyway, there's another on August 27, that will be more visible here.

Enjoy this classic. Have a few laughs. (It's in 3 parts)

Friday, March 2, 2007


Old look, new attitude! For some reason I've never much liked the Myspace blog system... so I've come back to blogger.

"Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen...the enunciation of truth."

Mostly I just want to improve my writing skills. This is my coal mine in the blogospere, and you are all canaries...muah ha ha ha....

I'm going to do my best to write about things that might actually be of interest to someone other than me. This isn't going to be one of those "today I did this and I was like omg and he was like omg and then we got ice cream, and it was totally crazy..." kind of blogs. It's going to be more like movie reviews, stuff about bands, some health stuff, video clips, pictures...stuff like that.

So check back often...if you dare. There is a chance that I will wake up tomorrow, and forget that I even did this.